January 17, 2008
Dear Mr. Eibun:
I am pleased to offer you the position of Accounting Manager for Erox USA. This offer is contingent on your agreement to the employment terms including the salary of $50,000 gross annual salary and our employee benefit package.
There would be many fields you could attain your knowledge through this position. We are here to ensure that you can expand your horizons to maximum capacity for your future.
Please respond to this offer by calling me at (800) 111-1234 and I need to hear from you by December 30 at the latest. Feel free to call me if you have any questions or concerns.
Elvis Koizumi
■ 英文手紙の解説
このジョブオファーで伝えるポイントは,1. オファーの条件(給料,ベネフィットの有無)と, 2. 回答期限を明確にしておくことです.条件が抜けていれば候補者が考えることができないですし,回答期限が設定されていないと求人活動の結論がだせなくなります.