November 26, 2006
プリンター機器メーカーのエロックス社(Erox,Inc)は,オフィス機器メーカーのシェアーテック社(ShareTech Company)の保守サービス部門を買収しました.シェアーテック社の取引先(サプライヤー)に合併の通知をします.
Dear Supplier:
Erox, Inc of Los Angeles California has acquired the Service division of ShareTech Company. The transition of this group into Erox Service Organization will be completed January 2007. The result will be a solid foundation upon which we will grow our business, better serve our customers, and secure competitive advantages in the global marketplace.
Subsequently, administrative activities and certain contact information will be changed. The resulting revisions are outlined in the enclosed chart. It is important that you review this chart to become familiar with the changes. Please adjust your records accordingly.
Also, please note the enclosed Erox Invoice and Payment Policy. Compliance to this policy ensures accurate and timely processing and payment of your invoice through Erox in accordance with terms. Please forward this information to the appropriate individuals within your organization.
We are looking forward to our continued relationship in this new environment and trust that these changes will serve to strengthen our business relationship.
Elvis Koizumi, President
■ 英文手紙の解説