August 30, 2006
August 30, 2006
Dear [Mr.名前];
Re: Dealership Expiration
This letter notifies you that Erox USA Corporation ("Erox") is unable to extend your non-exclusive dealership with Erox for the distribution of Erox products. Accordingly, your dealership will expire as of the date of this letter.
Erox appreciates your participation as a dealer of Erox products and wishes you every success in the future. Consistent with that appreciation, Erox will continue to sell you available spare parts that are required to service or repair your customers' existing Erox machines for six months.
These sales of available spare parts will be on a COD basis only (including without limitation the same terms and conditions governing purchase order procedures, returns and no implied warranties for the products). You must, therefore, make all shipping arrangements decisions, including choosing a carrier and/or insurer and agree that the shipment of the products will be FOB origin.
Kindly note that nothing in this letter modifies any obligations that you owe to Erox; we both understand that such obligations will survive until satisfied.
Elvis Koizumi
■ 英文手紙の解説
代理店契約解除(取引停止)の通知です.レターのつかみでは,「代理店契約の更新不可(unable to extend your dealership)」と「このレターをもって代理店契約の終了(your dealership will expire as the date of this letter)」と伝えます.
取引停止に伴い,「保守パーツは引き続き販売をする(continue to sell you avaialble spare parts to service the machine)」旨伝え,念のため 取引条件(FOB価格,COD)を明記しておきます.