


コンピューター販売会社(e Pasokon社)は,エロックス(Erox)社によるコピー機・プリンターの買換えキャンペーン(Buyback)を実施します.

ePasokon|EROX Autorized Dealer

Tired of your copier or printer letting you down?
Erox wants to buy it from you!!

Dear Customer,

This letter is to confirm that Erox would like to buyback your current and other copiers or printers and exchange them for the new Erox Digital products at a highly discounted rate. Even if you are still in a lease, Erox will cancel your lease in favor of a new agreement. Erox is offering this buyback program as a pert of our “Customer for Life” promotion! Why do we want to help you become a customer for life?

  • Erox understands as equipment ages it will become less reliable and require more service. This makes you unhappy and is more costly to service. An exchange to newer more reliable technology makes good sense for both you and Erox.
  • Erox’s new digital technology is 10 X more reliable than any other model or make. This would make you happy and Erox happy as well!
  • If you haven’t already, it could be time to introduce multifunctional technology into your office such as Copy, Fax, Scan, Scan to Email, and Printing on one device in one small footprint. New technology will play a major role in the growth of your business.
  • Like all technology products, they become less and less expensive everyday! This makes everyone happy!

To take advantage of this exchange program and find out how much of a Buyback you will recieve just fax back to (800)-111-1234 (No Cover Sheet Needed).

If you have any questions, please call me at (800) Pas-okon.



Ryuzaburo Eibun
Erox Sales Representative

■ 英文手紙の解説


一目でわかるように,buybackhighly discounted rateEven if you are still in a leaseと色やアンダーラインを使い分けることによって,ひと目で読み手につかんでもらえるよう配慮します.




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