March 15, 2010
英文銀行を退職 することになり、お 世話になった 顧客 に対して退職 する旨連絡します .
Dear Dave:
I hope you are in the best of spirits.
This is to inform you that I am retiring. The last day reporting to my office will be July 24, 2006 . However, prior to July 24 th , I will take my vacation time from June 14 to July 23. On my last day, July 24, I am planning to have an informal get-together at my office. Please drop by during the day or evening (until around 7 pm ), if you are able to, so I can say goodbye to you. There will be some finger food.
Thank you very, very much for your kind patronage and friendship. It was my pleasure serving you. You were the source of energy and power for me to get through my over and trust meant a lot to me. May I express my humble appreciation for making my days easier?
I wish you much happiness and success. Thank you, again, from the bottom of my heart for enabling me to accomplish my banking career in good shape. May I ask that you continue to help my Los Angeles office grow further by favoring it with your business? Please take good care of yourselves. Arigato and sayonara.
Ryuzaburo Eibun
Account Manager
■ 英文手紙の解説